Sunday, December 11, 2011

100% Remy Hair - The Real Truth

What is 100% Remy Hair?

Remy is one of those terms that have changed with the progression of the hair extension and hair replacement market. Once upon a time, remy hair just meant that the roots were together at the top of the bundle and the cuticles are running in the same direction to avoid tangling. If you have the cuticle scales facing different directions then the hair tangles severely. Since tangling is an obvious bad situation for the hair it carries the connotation of poor quality.

Remy hair soon became a term to describe the quality of the hair and not necessarily the true state in which the hair was kept. It did not take long for the term remy to progress into a type of brand descriptor. If the label states “100% Remy” then the customer was assured of its good quality and the best hair on the market. Unfortunately, since most did not really understand what the term meant, except it was supposed to mean the best quality of hair, many distributors and manufacturers abused the term. Today if you want real hair extensions then you know to look for 100% Remy hair. The fact is that this is very true. You do want 100% Remy hair because it behaves like normal scalp hair and does not require washing in acid to strip non-remy hair. Unfortunately though, not very many companies truly sell 100% Remy hair because it is not only very expensive raw hair but very expensive to manufacture. Real human hair or real hair extensions that are properly kept in the Remy state are also very expensive for the consumer and cannot be purchased in a beauty supply for 50 dollars. If the hair is truly 100% remy, it is a worthwhile investment.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Stem Cell Research - Exciting News

Stem Cell Research Is Promising As a Hair Loss Treatment


With stem cell research, researchers study cellular regeneration therapy using a patient’s own platelet-rich plasma on the basis of wound-healing principals to treat hair loss.

Those with alopecia areata are first to see success

“We are about 40 patients into the study, but one of our patients was so thrilled that his hair started growing in after about 2 months that he alerted the local media -- and then we had to tell our story!” says Dr. John Satino, clinic director for The Hair and Scalp Clinics in Clearwater, Fla. Satino and partner and medical director Dr. Michael Markou, a primary investigator for the Merck Pharmaceutical clinical research on Propecia, have run and administered some interesting tests and documented success with alopecia areata patients in regrowing hair in a patient’s bald patches. Currently they are taking on test patients and beginning to document and test the long-term effects of this treatment to test its viability as a long-term solution for hair loss. “The advantage is that we are seeing hair growth in bald areas. The disadvantage so far is that if a pattern of baldness exists down the road, the new growth can be affected by that. So far we are seeing the greatest benefit in young people suffering from alopecia areata.”

How the stem cell study procedure works

The term "stem cells" is used loosely. According to the National Institutes of Health Web site information on stem cell research, an adult stem cell is a type of cell found in many organs that can transform itself into a specialized tissue or organ cell when necessary. The primary role of adult stem cells in a living organism is to maintain and repair the tissue in which they are found. Scientists have found adult stem cells in many more tissues than they once thought possible, and that has led researchers and clinicians to ask whether adult stem cells could be used for transplants like the adult blood-forming stem cells from bone marrow that have been used in transplants for 40 years. Scientists now have evidence that stem cells exist in the brain and the heart. If the differentiation of adult stem cells can be controlled in the laboratory, these cells may become the basis of transplantation-based therapies. But the isolation and identification of these stem cells throughout the human body is still in its infancy.

What this study procedure is using is actually platelet-rich plasma (PRP) isolated from the patient’s own blood, explains Satino, not only the clinic director but also a biomedical engineer who has demonstrated and performed many studies, including those of Propecia and Rogaine. “The idea of this way of stimulating follicle regeneration is based on the principals of wound healing … a sort of cellular regeneration therapy.” Satino explains that when an area like the scalp is disturbed slightly, such as by abrading it gently with a laser, it shocks the body into healing mode, and when combined with the person’s own growth factors in PRP drawn from his or her own blood, it can stimulate the faulty follicles into an anagen phase of growth and give them the support they need to grow. “First we draw patient’s blood to separate out the small amount of PRP which contains platelet-derived growth factors, including three proteins that act in cell adhesion. These three -- called fibrin, fibronectin and vitronectin – create a matrix for cells to build upon, while the growth factors signal the epidermis and the follicle to interact with the dermal sheath. We then irritate the scalp with a laser, which moves the follicle toward an anagen phase as it tries to heal, and we inject the growth factors in the PRP, which migrate into the follicles to start the whole process. This promotes angiogenesis and mitogenesis … a sort of jump start for the follicles. We know that adult stem cells only are useful wherever there is an injury and that they are not specialized. We are also testing the topical application of the person’s PRP in addition to the effects of low-light laser therapy, Rogaine and Propecia in conjunction with this new treatment to find the most effective treatment protocols.”

The outlook of stem cell research as a hair loss treatment

So far, hair in all 40 patients has grown back in patients with alopecia areata. “It seems this procedure has the best results for the younger patient. The youngest we have treated is 15 so far, but the most important thing is to test the long-term results.” Satino adds that they have also begun soaking hair transplants in PRP and injecting into transplant incisions and have gotten faster healing and thicker, faster hair regrowth in transplant patients. “But again,” cautions Satino, “we don’t know how the balding pattern may affect this procedure. For example, in a transplant patient, if the hairline recedes further, he will be required to get additional transplants to cover the new balding area. We have definitely found our new procedure to be most effective on bald patches in the crown and back of a patient’s head. A patient may still need to supplement results with Minoxidil, Propecia or laser hair therapy.”

Proving the result, getting FDA approval

So far, the procedure is approved by the FDA as a soft-tissue injection for wound healing in hair transplants, not for hair regrowth. “In the meantime, we are taking on new patients to test the procedure at about one-quarter the price of a typical transplant procedure,” Satino states. “We are documenting all the results with a cast, and we mark the spot and count the hairs in one square centimeter. We test and measure hair strength and diameter and we do a recount in three months, six months and one year along with photos to document results.” He adds, “We plan to publish results in some peer-reviewed dermatology, hair transplant and laser journals in the coming year. We have refrained from performing the double-blind placebo tests and the independent review boards until we have the funding and the basis to do so to gain FDA approval as a long-term hair loss solution.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Nightmare on Hair Street

One Woman's Horror Hair Story Regarding Extensions

MY NAME IS LINDSEY HENDRICKSON and I have always experienced fine thin hair. Some days there was nothing I could do with my hair at all. I learned ways to hide the thinness by styling it a certain way. A good friend of mine, who is a licensed stylist, suggested that I get hair exten- sions. I was excited thinking I would finally get the chance to have this thick, beautiful hair.

I went to a stylist and as she applied the hair ex- tensions, I noticed she was using glue. My first application was great, I could curl them and treat them just like it was my own hair. After a few days, after the newness had worn off, they felt very heavy and gave me extreme head- aches. I had a hard time blending them as they always looked stringy. Trying to brush my hair was difficult even with a special loop brush. I had my extension for about two months and struggled with them everyday. I went back to the salon and it took three hours to remove them.

The stylist convinced me there was no damage and I could do it again. The second application of extensions was worse. They were more of a struggle than the first. I had already lost some hair from the weight of the extensions, breakage, the glue, and chemicals used. When I had them removed the second time, the stylist did not want me to come to the salon to do it. We went to her home, I thought it was odd but I was desperate to get them out. My hair was completely damaged and broken. The dreadlocks could not be combed out, they needed to be cut out. I was at a point where I did not know what to do. I sought out advice from an extension expert.

According to her I had no choice but to put them back in my hair to hide the areas that had been thinned out even more. The new “hair extension expert” proceeded to apply extensions to the little hair that was left. Neither of these stylists informed me of any risks associated with hair extensions. There was no maintenance contract given to me, nor did they discuss the pros and cons with me. I assumed, like many others, that thousand’s of people get extensions so they know what they are doing. After all they are “licensed stylists.” Wrong! Six months into this and I did not know what to do. I was desperate and my hair was a mess.

I finally went to a hair restoration specialist, who in fact cringed when she saw my hair. She could not believe the damage that had occurred in only six months. I am thankful everyday that I made the decision to go see the hair restoration specialist. She managed to save my self esteem as a woman.

From Our Hair Restoration Specialist:
This story is not uncommon. On average this happens to about 80% of hair extension clients. One of the biggest misconceptions is that hair extensions are the only option to fix fine thin hair. In fact, there are hundreds of options from products, pieces, units and basic hair maintenance. It may even be determined that hair extensions are not the answer for you. There are pros and cons to each type of hair extensions. Information that should be discussed during your consultation include: hair and extension maintenance, application and removal frequency, any chemicals, glues or products used, hair type and your lifestyle. Lack of information and improper care are the biggest reasons people often have a bad experience. Hair extension baldness is the most common problem that results from improper application and removal of hair extensions. There are many times that the damage will be irreparable. If you notice any type of breakage, dreadlocks or your stylist does not allow you to see the back of your hair, you probably need some help. There is no easy solution in fixing the damage that extensions can cause.

Creating the best and healthiest environment is the your hair and scalp. A hair restoration specialist can recommend the right products and services that can, over time, restore your hair and repair the damage. Be sure to ask the proper questions, review all of your options and consult with more than one person. Also, ask the stylist if you can contact and see other clients with extensions. Do not be afraid to be told that you cannot have them. It may be a blessing in disguise. Do not go with the cheapest stylist and product either, they can cost you a lot more in damage and repair later. Do your research and educate yourself. It pays off in the long run.

For more information on Hair Extension Options...visit our Hair Extension Page on our Website!

This article was published In Northwest Womans Magazine in 2008! If you would like a copy of the article, please email

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Are you using a topical powder?

Are you currently using a topical powder to hide your thinning areas? If so, we have an amazing new product that does NOT clog your hair follicles and it is not damaging to your scalp!

Not only does this help with excessively oil scalps, hiding gray hair that has grown out, it also will replace your topical scalp powder.

Product build up is one of the number one reasons we have miniaturizing hair follicles.

Let's put away the Topiks and open the Touch Up!

Call today for more information!
509-926-6429 or 425-455-4247

Friday, November 4, 2011

New Videos on Our YouTube Channel

Exited to be adding new videos to our YouTube Channel! Be sure to subscribe to our page, so you can get the most recent technology and news when it comes to hair loss and hair loss options!

Our YouTube Channel Here!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

New Before and After Videos

Great New Before and After Pictures and options for Men, Women and Children Suffering from all forms of hair loss.

Crowning Glory Studios offers safe and healthy options to help enhance and restore your natural growing hair.

We specialize in hair extensions, scalp conditions, chemotherapy, genetic hair loss, alopecia and much more!

You can call today for a no obligation consultation at 509-926-6429 for a Spokane Appointment and 425-455-4247 for a Bellevue Appointment. We offer private rooms for your privacy and confidentiality!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Medications and Hair Loss

If you are experiencing sudden hair loss, thinning or shedding, consider whether any medication you are taking could be causing this.

“Hair loss can be caused by so many different reasons, but one common cause is that it could be a side effect of a medication you have just begun or have been taking regularly,” says Dr. Eric Schweiger, a New York City dermatologist and hair transplant surgeon. “So when patients come to us with hair loss or thinning, one of the first questions we’ll ask is about medications they are currently taking.”

How do medications cause hair loss?

Schweiger explains that there are two ways medications can cause hair loss. One way is from telogen effluvium, where hair follicles get shocked by a drug and moved away from the regular growth phase into a resting phase, which pushes hairs out and causes diffuse (widely spread) and noticeable fall-out. Anagen effluvium happens when a strong drug or medication, such as chemotherapy, attacks hair follicles and other rapidly dividing cells in the body, causing all hair to fall out suddenly and completely. “Either way, the results can be quite shocking, or you may just notice a little bit of hair fall-out or shedding when you first start taking the drug,” says Schweiger. “You owe it to yourself to work with your physician to determine if your medications are the cause of your hair loss.”

Is this hair loss side effect of my medication permanent?

“It depends on the person,” says Schweiger, who further explains that no one drug will affect everybody’s hair follicles or other body systems in exactly the same way. Sometimes the body adjusts to the ingestion of the drug on a regular basis and the hair grows back eventually, and sometimes hair continues to fall out and does not grow back as long as you continue taking the medication. “One option is to keep taking the medication, if necessary, to see if the hair loss condition improves and your hair grows back, and your other option is to discontinue the medication if possible,” he advises.

The five most common medications that cause hair loss

As a dermatologist and hair loss specialist, Dr. Schweiger explains that the following commonly prescribed medications are most often associated with side effects that include hair loss, diffuse thinning, shedding and fall-out, in varying degrees depending on the person:

  • Beta-blockers (blood pressure medications)
  • Oral birth control pills
  • Accutane
  • Antidepressants (serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or SRIs)
  • Cholesterol-lowering drugs

But why do these common medications cause hair loss? Dr. Schweiger explains, “It’s just not black and white … It’s more personal and how the medication affects you. We just don’t have any good clinical studies that prove that any medication will definitely cause hair loss in someone or why it doesn’t cause hair loss in someone else. We also don’t know whether patients’ regular hair growth will resume eventually if they continue taking any particular medication. One thing we do know,” he concludes: “None of these medications cause scarring permanent hair loss, and usually hair growth resumes when the offending medication is discontinued.”

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Water Wig? Huh?

COMING SOON! what would you say to a 16" Water Wig? Looks, acts and feels just like real hair!

  • Water goes right through the wig and it doesn't come off
  • Can be worn comfortably for ACTIVE USE
  • You're out the door looking gorgeous in minutes
  • The look of fine Russian Hair
  • High Grade Light Synthetic
Stay tuned for more information!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Four New Children's Wigs

We are introducing FOUR new Children's Wigs!

When we think of our children, we want to experience nothing but happy thoughts. Unfortunately, there are nearly 2 million children suffering from some sort of hair loss in the United States.

Crowning Glory can give these children the chance to feel good about themselves again.

We have so many options available for each and every child that enters our salons. With our talented hair replacements professionals, you can rest assured that we treat each and every child like they are our own! We offer durable and long lasting wigs and hair pieces, that allow children to truly be children. They can swim, play, hang from trees, and feel like themselves again!

With Four new options available, we can address the sensitive subject of children's medical hair loss. The new wigs available are available in European Human Hair and one available in Synthetic fibers.

The four design accomodate petite heads of 19" and are ideal for children, pre-teens and young adults. There are vibrant colors available that are specifically blended to achieve a youthful and natural flowing look that will satisfy your child's needs.

Call 509-926-6429 to make an appointment in Spokane or 425-455-4247 to make an appointment in Bellevue for a consultation for your child!

Friday, September 30, 2011

What the Heck is Cyberhair?

Cyberhair - The New Human Hair

Perhaps you have heard rumblings of it. Perhaps this article is your maiden voyage into this world. Regardless, unless you have experienced Cyberhair with a few more of your five senses, your perception may be a bit skewed.

So what, exactly, is Cyberhair? The name itself immediately conjures up images of supertechnology. Of robotic creations. And suggests that it is synthetic, for sure. Well, truth be told, none of these assumptions is too far from accurate. But these assumptions also require some elaboration. Because Cyberhair is more than just another hair-replacement system.

Cyberhair is the product of years of research and development, and even more years of meticulously fine-tuning the super-technology required to create realistic feeling, and looking, hair fibers. This technology, like most manufacturing processes, does involve some robotic labor. So that assumption is right on the money as well. And since Cyberhair does not originate from a human hair follicle, it definitely is, well, synthetically created. But similar to the mainstream “synthetic” it certainly isn’t.

Take all of your preconceived notions of synthetic hair and toss them out back in the alley with the 8-track players and rotary phones. Cyberhair is less a synthetic, and more a creation a technologically advanced hair creation. It’s where science meets art in the happiest of matrimonies, creating a hair-replacement system that looks natural, feels natural, and lasts no matter what tests the elements may bring.

The good news is, there is no need to wait for the future to reap the benefits of this futuristic technology. Cyberhair is available now in the United States after years of testing in Japan and Europe. And it could not have come at a better time.

Cyberhair refuses to be grouped with synthetics, or high-temperature synthetics, simply because these synthetics are inferior products. Plain and simple. Not only do these other synthetics look unnatural, they fade, the curl relaxes, and the hair breaks. Demand in the market drops, due to more elite options, and the already-low quality of the synthetic drops right alongside. Cyberhair will not be considered a synthetic because synthetics have nowhere to go but down. Extinction is inevitable, and for good reason.

But, you may be asking yourself, isn’t human hair better? Isn’t it going to look and feel more natural because, quite frankly, it is more natural? It’s a logical thought. Logical, but wrong.

Cyberhair not only looks and feels remark- ably like human hair; but it also is incredibly heat-resistant, durable, and colorfast–all while remaining lightweight and comfort- able. It experiences virtually no change due to prolonged use–which is good, because a Cyberhair system has twice the life expectancy of a human hair system. Now that’s some prolonged use.

A water-lover, Cyberhair dries perfectly, returning to its original style with just a shake of a wet head. Human hair will return to, well, a now-dry version of a drenched original style. Cyberhair wins hands-down on the maintenance scale. It swims, it saunas, it gets caught in the rain with a flat tire. Zero maintenance. And when exposed to sun or heat, Cyberhair will not fade, will not lose curl, and is surprisingly light- weight and cool. Human hair is hot, heavy, will eventually grow dull and fade, become dry, brittle, and will break. Human hair will require hair-adds to the system. Cyberhair will not break down. It’s better than natural. It’s super-natural. And with Cyberhair, unlike donation-supplied human hair, there will always be more where that came from. The same, unfortunately, cannot be said of human hair.

The hair-replacement industry is experiencing a shortage of human hair. While that may seem like a cheap pun, it isn’t intended to be. It is a real concern. Due mainly to cultural changes in many of the countries previously supplying hair donations, the quantity, and quality, of these donations just aren’t available. There’s an old saying that goes, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” The human hair market is breaking.

Human hair has had “some work done.” Still skeptical of nonhuman hair? Well, look at it this way. In an age of life-like synthetics, of silicone and collagen, when some- times it’s hard to tell what is real and what is “fake,” it’s about time the hair-replacement industry embraced the possibility of a synthetically created hair that looks, and more importantly, feels like human hair. Cyberhair has raised the bar.

Plus, how “natural” actually is the stripped- down, over-processed, skeleton of that used- to-be human hair? It’s a shadow of its former self. When compared side by side in a blind touch-test, experienced hair professionals actually prefer Cyberhair to human hair.

Don’t knock it until you’ve touched it. Period.

But, seriously, what’s the downside?
There isn’t one.

Mommy, where does Cyberhair come from?
Cyberhair is the result of a new technology engineered by Aderans, the world’s largest manufacturer and retail supplier of hair systems. And without inundating you with technical details, here’s a little walk through the birth of Cyberhair.

Cyberhair begins with small, nylon pellets. Available in any color imaginable, these tiny little pellets are the building blocks of many of Cyberhair’s benefits.

Cyberhair is the most colorfast product on the market because of the makeup of its raw materials. Where as some manufacturers use dyes that may become unstable during the heating process, Cyberhair has taken great care to use only the most stable dyes in their raw nylon. So not only is Cyberhair available in a complex range of colors, it will remain that color from day one until three weeks past forever. No fading. Ever. No other hair replacement system can claim that.

In order for the raw nylon to become hair, things need to get a little hot. The colored nylon pellets are melted. Bring on the heat. And perhaps “heat” is an understatement. Cyberhair is heated to very high temperatures. So, unless you are planning to spend your next vacation on the surface of the sun, your Cyberhair will retain its curl no matter how hot it gets outside. So go ahead and book that two-week trip to the equator. Cyberhair is up for it. Just remember to bring sunscreen–your skin may not be as forgiving.

Next up are crystallization, and then the cuticlization process. This is where Cyberhair jumps leaps and bounds in front of the crowd. Natural human hair reflects a healthy glow. Toss it in the sun, and it reflects light in a unique way. And before now, no other hair replacement system had been able to mimic the lustre of human hair. Now, however, through a specialized process, Cyberhair is able to recreate the surface texture of human hair without compromising the integrity of the fibers! It will look, feel, and blend seamlessly with your own hair. And if that’s not what every- one wants, then what is?

Through this process, Cyberhair is born. Technologically created. A science and an art. A form that snugly follows function. An end product that’s the solution to all prior problems with hair-replacement systems.

To Cyberhair or not to Cyberhair.
That is the question. So who’s it for? Cyberhair is for salons that are always looking for new product and service offerings. You know who you are. Cyberhair is for salons that provide, or are looking to provide, hair-replacement systems from extensions to medical wig systems, and everything in between.

Cyberhair is for salons that keep up with, or at least test-drive, new technology. After trying it, you can make an informed decision for yourself as to whether or not Cyberhair has a place in your salon.

In order to be fully appreciated, Cyberhair needs to be touched. Touch it dry. Touch it wet. Watch how it dries. Now that you’ve read about it, don’t neglect the sensory experience.
Bottom line: the only elite options for hair replacement are your own hair and Cyberhair. And working together, it’s a solution to hair thinning and hair loss that everyone should, at the very least, get to know.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Mammogram Promise Campaign

Let the 3rd Annual Make a Mammogram Promise Campaign Begin!

Here we are! The 3rd Annual Make a Mammogram Promise! The season of Pink and National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

As we have for the past two years, we welcome and encourage you… whether you are man, woman, young, or old, to do two things: Educate yourself about the risks and symptoms of breast cancer and, To take action by helping women around you do the same. But in between, don’t forget to make your 2011 Mammogram Promise!

By making a promise you’re just saying, “I promise to get a mammogram or encourage others to do so.” You’re just showing that you care about the health of yourself and the women around you. You can make a promise for yourself or someone you love. Even if you’re a man. :-)

As in the past two years, we’ve sweetened the pot and made our little campaign a lot easier in the process. Here’s what you do:

1. Make a Promise: Go to, enter your email and click ‘I Promise’

BOOM! You’re entered to win one of the 31 prizes we’ll be handing out — starting Saturday, October 1!

2. Spread the Word and Collect Promises:

Once you Make a Mammogram Promise, your personalized Dashboard will allow you to invite others to make a promise via email, Facebook, Twitter, and individualized widget. You will be awarded one promise for every person that makes a promise using your special url/link.

The Prizes:

We’ve leveled the playing field here and decided to just hand out as much amazing stuff as possible during the month of October. So for instance, if you win on Saturday, October 1, you’ll win a dinner for four at The Georgian in the Fairmont Hotel. That’s a $250 value! Cool, no?

There are over $5,000 worth of prizes this month from Seattle Sounders tickets for four to dinner at Flying Fish, as well as gift certificates to Fran’s Chocolates and Chocolopolis, Swink Style Bar, Wild Ginger, and Semiahmoo, and… so much more. Browse all 31 prizes and start collecting promises!

The Party:

OK, one final thing. Seattle Met Magazine is hosting a breast cancer awareness party, Behind the Pink Ropes, A Celebration of the Women We Love, at University Village (U Village) on Wed., Oct. 12 from 5:30 to 9:00 p.m. Tickets are $20 each and proceeds benefit Seattle Cancer Care Alliance. You should check in at the “Promise Lounge” at Sonrisa for drinks, appetizers, and a special gift bag to fill with prizes from participating vendors.

Now, go make that Mammogram Promise!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

New Raquel Welch Wigs Coming

Raquel Welch's New 2011 Fall Collection Now Available at Crowning Glory Studios

With fall rapidly approaching, the alternative hair industry continues to stay ahead in the changing needs of women who have come to expect the best quality, style and function in hair fashions.

Crowning Glory Studios, continues to add to their inventory, the most current, cutting--edge wig styles, unveiling the new Raquel Welch Wigs Fall 2011 Collection just in time for the season.

With Hollywood celebrities continuing the set the standard for what is hot, here and now in fashion, the Raquel Welch Collection of wigs and hairpieces by HairUWear is no exception to the rule with what is hot in hair fashions. Newly released are: 6 new Freeform™ Tru2Life heat-friendly synthetic wig styles, 1 new Signature Collection style, 1 new human hair wig, and 1 clip-in human hair bang to complete this season.

Smouldering styles featuring lace front constructions, monofilament top, and 100% hand-knotted bases, are as natural looking and versatile as you have come to expect from the Raquel Welch Collection include:

  • Opening Act: a heat-friendly layered, face-framing cut with a below the collar nape, featuring a Sheer Indulgence lace front monofilament top.
  • Limelight: long layered waves that fall to mid-back in heat-friendly hair fiber with a Sheer Indulgence lace front monofilament top.
  • Encore: a barely waved, face framing cut that falls below the shoulders in heat-friendly fiber featuring a Sheer Indulgence lace front monofilament top.
  • Finesse: a heat-friendly below the chin length page wig with a graduated collar length nape finished with a Sheer Indulgence monofilament crown and Memory Cap II base.
  • Magic: a perfectly straight, layered below the shoulders style in heat-friendly fiber with a Sheer Indulgence monofilament crown.
  • Sparkle: a short, face framing cut with smooth hair and textured layering in heat-friendly fiber with a Memory Cap II base.
  • Winner Elite: a stepped up version of the popular Winner Wig style with the added luxury of a Sheer Indulgence monofilament top, lace front construction and 100% hand-tied base.
  • Bravo: the ultimate in luxury long and lush 100% human hair long length style with a Sheer Indulgence monofilament top, lace front construction and 100% hand-knotted base.
  • Clip-In Human Hair Bang: a face framing 100% human hair bang with a monofilament base that adds customized fashion without cutting your own hair.

"Change your mind. Change your mood. Change your style!"
The most stylable, most wearable, most versatile hair ever: FREEFORM
Glamour now-Is the oportunity to create any styleyou want. You make it beautiful…we make it easy. Flat iron, curl, or blow dry our Tru2Life® heat-friendly fiber and create a totally new style in a flash. What does it feel like? Like your own hair, only better. What does it look like? Like you’ve got your own live-in stylist.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Glitter Tattoos and Snappie Colored Hair This Weekend at Valleyfest

Bring your Kids for Family Fun!

Today at Mirabeau Park is Valleyfest! We are excited to be a part of such a great community event. Today Eversmith Academy and us are sharing a both and offering glitter tattoos, snappie colored hair, or just stop by to play Plinko...where everyone is a winner!

We are also taking donations for Treasured Locks For Children! They are a local non-profit corporation that helps children suffering from any form of hair loss. The month of September is Childhood Alopecia and Cancer Awareness Month!

Tons of fun for the family! Spend a day at the park in the beautiful weather!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Our Hollywood Leading Men - Their Hair or Not

More than ever, today's movie stars make more of an effort than Hollywood's "Golden Age" stars to conceal their hair loss from the public.

Recently, HairLossDotCom ran an article called “Hair Wearing Hollywood Stars” that looked mostly at movie stars of the past who disguised their hair loss on screen. This, clearly, is a situation that still exists today.

As a matter of fact, it could be argued that Hollywood stars today make even more of an effort to disguise receding hairlines, thinness and outright baldness than did the men who filled the silver screen in its so-called Golden Age.

Why should this be? Well, there are several reasons.

First, men in general – not just Hollywood stars, but everyday Joe’s – are more likely to be taking steps to disguise hair loss in order to feel more confident and comfortable in their daily lives.

Sixty years ago, a Jimmy Stewart or a Humphrey Bogart could afford to have sensational hairpieces created especially for them and styled and cared for by experts who knew just how to perpetuate the illusion that this hair sprang naturally from the stars’ heads. But the average man couldn’t afford that kind of toupee or service.

“There are plenty of actors who are rumored to ‘wear hair’ in some form or other. The question isn’t ‘Should they?’ so much as it is ‘Should we care?’”

In addition, alternatives like hair plugs and transplants were not really heard of. It wasn’t until the 1950s that grafting was tried as a means of treating baldness, and it would still be more than two decades before the process started to gain popularity.

Modern technology and artistic innovation offer more celebrities more hair loss treatments than before...

Gradually, however, as the country became more prosperous and as the demand for toupees and hair restorative techniques grew, these options became somewhat more affordable. More and more men sought solutions to their hair loss problems. And as the common man’s desire for hair systems increased, it became even more important for a star to maintain his “hair illusions.”

At the same time, however, society was undergoing a change that brought about what could be called the “Paparazzi Era”. We became more interested in learning about the real person beneath the carefully crafted facades of celebrities. We wanted to know what they ate, what they wore, whom they slept with, what they looked like without the careful ministrations of the make-up artist – and whether or not they wore hair.

This is understandable. Hollywood is all about creating a fiction. With rare exceptions, films are never intended to be taken as real. Yet they create a fictional world that is itself a kind of hyper-reality, which blows the stars into such larger-than-life characters that even as we admire them we want to catch at least a glimpse of their Achilles heels.

Not all celebrities are trying to hide their hair loss

Movie stars, of course, don’t want this to happen. Their careers are their lives, and their careers are built upon their public images. So as the paparazzi have become more and more aggressive in giving the public what it wants, the stars have become more aggressive in doing anything they can to guard their secrets.

Naturally, this isn’t true of every person. Patrick Stewart, Bruce Willis, Vin Diesel, Samuel L. Jackson and others freely sport a very liberating bald look. Billy Zane, who has better things to do than play cat-and-mouse with photographers, is also a member of that club.

But many others have to work hard to cover up any receding hairlines or bald patches.

  • John Travolta, who was “outed” for hair loss issues not too long, has been given a hard time. Maybe that explains why he’s adopting a totally bald look for an upcoming film.
  • Nicolas Cage’s hairline has receded and grown any number of times, leading many to suspect that the “National Treasures” star feels the public “treasures” a full head of hair on its leading men.
  • “Entourage” star Jeremy Piven’s career has had its ups and downs, as apparently so has his hairline.
  • Kevin Costner entered the world of conspiracy theories in “JFK.” Have photographs showing a changing hairline been doctored by an unknown assailant?
  • Hair plugs, toupees and extensions are said by some to be part of the worlds of stars such as Matthew McConaughey, Brendan Fraser and Ben Affleck.
  • Pierce Brosnan’s 007 might want to investigate whether SPECTRE is behind the sudden downward expansion of his hairline.
  • And after “The Da Vinci Code,” it’s hard to argue that SOMETHING isn’t going on with Tom Hanks’ hair.

There are plenty of others who are rumored to “wear hair” in some form or other. The question isn’t “Should they?” so much as it is “Should we care?” If wearing a toupee or getting hair plugs makes them feel more comfortable with themselves, or makes them feel more capable of giving a better performance, shouldn’t that be their right?

On the other hand, it could be argued that by covering up their balding states, these celebrities are perpetuating a view of men with hair loss as in some way inferior.

What do you think? Which other stars show signs of “hairline changes?” And do movie and TV stars have a right to their own “comfort zone” when it comes to revealing or not revealing their hair loss? Or do they have a responsibility as role models to “come clean?”

By HairLossDotCom

Friday, September 16, 2011

Thinning Hair in the Fall

"Falling Hair"

In summer we try so hard to take care about our hair and protect it against harmful effects of dry weather, hot sun and salty water. However, it is hardly possible to be 100% successful and keep our hair in idea condition all summer long. That is why in autumn, many of us start experiencing hair loss, weakness and brittleness. It is absolutely essential to continue doing various hair care procedures in autumn as well. Below, you can find several recommendations on hair care in autumn.

  • Choose 2-3 effective hair masks, both nourishing and moisturizing, which would be the most suitable for your hair. Those can be special commercial mixtures for hair treatment or even special regular spa procedures. Apply your mask and keep it for 20-25 minutes on your hair, then wash it first with warm water. After this, wear a head-towel on your hair and keep your hair wet for 20-30 minutes. It will rest and keep the moist for this time.
  • Take care of your scalp. Scalp treatments are necessary to help new hair that is growing to come in as healthy hair.
  • Get regular trims on the ends every 4 weeks. This will make sure any and all split ends are removed quickly before they create larger breakage.
  • Get a hair check done from a specialist. We are able to use our advanced technology to determine the percentage of breakage on your hair and establish a treatment regimen to help your hair.

Remember that it is necessary to pay a lot of attention on your hair condition in this time of the year and create an effective strategy for hair care in autumn. This will help you to look beautiful and feel confident, as well as to prevent hair loss and thinning.

Letter From Monique

Dear Past, Current and Future Clients,

I have some very exciting news. I am loving my new job with Crowning Glory Studios, as the Hair Replacement Manager. The owners of Crowning Glory Studios really wanted the space that Monique’s Salon occupied. They saw huge potential in the new location and luckily I received an offer from Crowning Glory Studios I couldn’t refuse! So Crowning Glory Studios is now leasing the space that Monique’s Salon used to occupy.

Since, Monique’s Salon was no longer needed….it was with a heavy heart, I closed the business. It ended up being the most rewarding decision I have made because of my new employment and growth opportunities I have with Crowning Glory Studios.

Crowning Glory Studios has made some fabulous new changes to the space. Their focus is Hair Loss and Hair Replacement. So we are still offering wigs, hairpieces, non-surgical transplants, Cyberhair, hair support, laser treatments, hair extensions and much more. They are a great fit within the “Evergreen Wellness Center!” Not only is their focus on Skin and Scalp health, they are allowing me to focus on the community and my clientele. After moving locations, I was spending less and less time on the things I love and what I am passionate about….my clients and hair loss.

With this new opportunity I have the time and availability to work behind the chair, with clients directly and focus on the growth and development of the Bellevue location.

Crowning Glory Studios has a superb staff of management, hair replacement specialists and service technicians. They work excitedly with Eversmith Academy, which is growing quickly! They a large part of the Evergreen Wellness building and they are extremely happy cosmetology and esthetic students.

So within the Evergreen Wellness Center, Crowning Glory Studios offers hair loss solutions to our clientele, great salon services, skin treatments and minimal spa services. Eversmith Academy is a private and small cosmetology and esthetic school and there are other businesses leasing and occupying spaces on a part time basis.

My husband and I are extremely excited about all of these changes and me being able to get back to what I love!

I am looking forward to working 100% of my time with all of you that mean so much to me!

Kind Regards,

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Hair Loss and Your Thyroid

Ten Things You Can Do To Stop Hair Loss With Thyroid Disease

hair loss with thyroid diseaseHair can be considered a barometer of health because hair cells are some of the fastest growing in the body. When the body is in crisis, the hair cells can shut down to redirect energy elsewhere. The types of situations that can cause hair loss include hormonal changes, poor diet and nutritional deficiencies, a variety of medications, surgery, and many medical conditions, but noticeably, thyroid disease.

Many people notice rapid hair loss as a symptom of their hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism. Some people actually say this is the worst symptom of their thyroid problem -- this thinning hair, large amounts falling out in the shower or sink, often accompanied by changes in the hair's texture, making it dry, coarse, or easily tangled. Interestingly, some people have actually written to tell me that their thyroid problem was initially "diagnosed" by their hairdresser, who noticed the change!

Here are ten steps to take to tackle thyroid-related hair loss and balding.

1. Get an Evaluation

First, to deal with hair loss, before assuming it's your thyroid, always have any hair loss evaluated by a dermatologist or hair loss expert to rule out any other causes -- such as infection.

2. Be Patient

If you're experiencing hair loss and are just starting treatment for a hyperthyroid or hypothyroid condition, it's likely that for most of you, the loss will slow down, and eventually stop, once hormone levels are stabilized and in the normal range. This may take a few months, however. But rest assured, I've had many thousands of emails from people, and have yet to hear from anyone who lost all his or her hair, or became bald, due to thyroid disease. But people -- including myself -- have experienced significant loss of hair volume. In my case, I'd guess at one point, I lost almost half my hair. I had long, thick hair, and it got much thinner at various times.

3. Understand the Types of Hair Loss

There are three common types of hair loss. General shedding of hair is typically hair lost throughout the head. You'll often notice more hair in drains and in the shower, in hair brushes, and when you brush your hair, but there are no specific patches of loss or even baldness. Typically, with hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism prior to treatment, this is the most common form of hair loss. This can occasionally continue for some people after hypothyroidism treatment, and particularly when taking Synthroid, which is discussed later in this article.

A second type of hair loss is more commonly associated with fungal infection or autoimmune alopecia, and involves circular patches of hair loss, in some cases, complete loss of hair in these small patches. These sorts of hair loss problems need to be evaluated by a dermatologist, and are not particularly associated with thyroid problems.

A third type of hair loss is male pattern hair loss -- - men are most susceptible, but women can get it too. Male pattern hair loss is concentrated on the temples and top of the head. It's caused when an enzyme starts to convert the hormone testosterone on the scalp to its less useful version, dihydrotestosterone. This makes hair follicles shrink and then they disappear. This conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone seems to be sped up in some patients with treated hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, and may be the cause of hair loss that continues for thyroid patients, despite what is considered sufficient thyroid treatment.

How Hair Grows

Normally, hair grows about a half inch a month for about three years, and then it goes into a resting period. One in ten hairs is in a resting period at any one time, and after about three months a new hair pushes the old one out. When more hairs go into resting period, or the conversion process speeds up, the balance becomes disrupted, and hair loss occurs.

4. Make Sure It's Not Your Thyroid Drug

First, if you are hypothyroid and taking levothyroxine (i.e., Synthroid) as your thyroid hormone replacement, and still losing hair, you may need to take action. Prolonged or excessive hair loss IS a side effect of Synthroid for some people. Note: Many doctors do NOT know this, even though it is a stated side effect in the Synthroid patient literature, so don't be surprised if your doctor is not aware of this.

5. Make Sure You're Not Undertreated

Hair loss can also result from being UNDERtreated...not being at the right TSH, or not taking the right drugs for you. My doctor believes that a TSH of around 1 - 2 is optimal for most people to feel well and avoid having hypothyroid or hyperthyroid symptoms such as hair loss. (Note that these levels are kept lower for thyroid cancer patients to prevent cancer recurrence.) This was anecdotal information, until recently, when experts determined that values above TSH of 3 are considered hypothyroid.

6. Find Out if You Need a Second Drug

I am also one of the people who does better and has less hair loss on a T4/T3 drug versus pure synthetic T4 only (like Synthroid.) I take Thyrolar, and it has worked far better for me than Synthroid. Others have had success with Armour, the natural thyroid hormone replacement. In February of 1999, the New England Journal of Medicine published a research report that says that many patients feel better on a combination of T4 and T3, not T4 (i.e., Synthroid) alone. The addition of T3 helped relieve depression, brain fog, fatigue and other symptoms. This information about T3 is groundbreaking and has major implications for people who don't feel well on their current thyroid therapies!!! Hair loss and restoration takes place over a longer time frame than this study looked at, so I wouldn't be surprised if it too was affected positively by the addition of T3. It certainly proved to be the case for me personally.

7. Consider an Alternative Treatment

When I have had major bouts of hair loss (despite low normal TSH and being on a T4/T3 drug), take the advice of other doctors...

. . . evening primrose oil (also known as EPO) is a nutritional supplement that is frequently mentioned. In his book, Solved: The Riddle of Illness, Stephen Langer, M.D. points to the fact that symptoms of essential fatty acid insufficiency are very similar to hypothyroidism, and recommends evening primrose oil -- an excellent source of essential fatty acids -- as helpful for people with hypothyroidism. The usefulness of evening primrose oil, particularly in dealing with the issues of excess hair loss with hypothyroidism, was also reinforced by endocrinologist Kenneth Blanchard. According to Dr. Blanchard:
For hair loss, I routinely recommend multiple vitamins, and especially evening primrose oil. If there's any sex pattern to it -- if a woman is losing hair in partly a male pattern - -then, the problem is there is excessive conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone at the level of the hair follicle. Evening primrose oil is an inhibitor of that conversion. So almost anybody with hair loss probably will benefit from evening primrose oil.

8. Look at Other Alternatives

In a recent study, Dr Hugh Rushton, a professor at Portsmouth University, also found that 90 percent of women with thinning hair were deficient in iron and the amino acid lysine. Lysine is the most difficult amino acid to get enough of via diet. Lysine helps transport iron, which is the most important element in the body and essential for many metabolic processes. When lysine and iron levels are low, the body probably switches some hair follicles off to increase levels elsewhere. Meat, fish and eggs are the only food sources of lysine. There are also supplements that contain lysine.
Some other natural ways to deal with hair loss include:
  • Arginine
  • Cysteine
  • Green Tea
  • Polysorbate 80
  • Progesterone
  • Saw Palmetto
  • Trichosaccaride
  • Vitamin B6
  • Zinc

9. Consult a Doctor for a Prescription Treatment

You can also consult with a dermatologist to work with you on drug treatments, including scalp injections, drugs like Rogaine (minoxidil) and Propecia, and other treatments that can help non-thyroid related hair loss.

10. Talk About It With Others

Hair loss can be one of the most frightening and frustrating thyroid symptoms. It can really help to find other people who are going through the same thing, via an in-person or online support group.

Information provided by Mary Shomon

Monday, August 29, 2011

Hair Check? What? You can tell if I am losing my hair or my hair is breaking?

Am I Losing My Hair?

By the time hair loss is visible, 50% or more of the hair in the affected site is gone. Don't wait for your hair to thin or advanced balding to take over before you take action!

We are able to assess your hair loss or breakage with Hair Check! We can measure your response to hair growth products. We can measure hair loss and growth with scientific accuracy and confidence. We can detect and quantify hair breakage, a commonly under-appreciated cause of hair loss in women.

Call today to get an appointment to get your Hair Score...never wonder again about your hair loss or hair breakage.

10 REASONS to make an appointment

  1. HAIR LOSS: Hair loss affects an estimated 75% of men. Two-thirds of women will have some form of hair loss in their lifetime. The chances of having hair loss are very high!
  2. SAVINGS: How much are you spending each month on hair growth products? 180 billion is spent worldwide… each year. A simple HairCheck measurement will save you valuable time and money.
  3. PRECISION: HairCheck is a patented device that generates a precise, scientific measurement of hair loss, hair growth and “how much hair” is present in an area of scalp.
  4. KNOWLEDGE: Using a hair growth product without measuring its effectiveness is the same as going on a weight loss program without using a scale!
  5. HEAD START: Haircheck can detect thinning, 10 to 15 years before it’s visible to the naked eye. By starting treatment early, the visible effects of balding can be delayed or prevented.
  6. IMMEDIATE: On your first visit, you can find out how much hair you have and how much hair you’ve lost.
  7. RESULTS: Because Haircheck provides quantitative evidence on whether or not your treatment is working, you can switch from one product to another until you find the one that’s right for you.
  8. WOMEN: Haircheck can actually detect and measures hair breakage…an under-appreciated cause of hair loss in women.
  9. PEACE OF MIND: Haircheck can answer almost every question you might have regarding hair loss and hair growth.
  10. EXCLUSIVE: Haircheck is the one and only scientific method capable of measuring hair loss and growth – outside of a research laboratory. A Haircheck can be performed in 5 minutes and not a single hair is cut.
Call 509-926-6429 to get the answers you have always wanted! Am I losing my hair?

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Lunch Hour Hair Extensions

Long Luscious Hair during your Lunch Hour

In your busy world, you do anything for an extra ten minutes for yourself... that is exactly why sitting in the salon for hours can seem endless but busy schedule or not, there's no way you're willing to give up the sexy, straight strands that you get with your must-have salon service: hair extensions. We offer a new system so innovative it's patented, which takes the two-hour plus long process of applying your lovely locks and shortens it to less than sixty minutes. Made of gorgeous, 100 % Indian Remi hair, our extensions work by utilizing a revolutionary new comfort-grip adhesive strip. Simply put, these sexy strands adhere to your natural ones with just a gentle push of your stylist's finger and will stay put for as long as the brand you're used to.

And because this system is available in 26 vivid colors and three luxurious textures, you can use it to experiment with all kinds of new styles-no commitment required! Not only do these extensions shorten your stint in the salon, it's the first brand of hair extensions that's designed with your comfort in mind. By eliminating wince-worthy weaves and an arsenal of application tools, these extensions halt the headache typical of extensions. The relaxed, natural fit will ensure that you'll be able to sleep and style with absolute ease. So when you want to be long on locks but short on time, think stress-free.

Call today to make a no obligation, no cost consultation! Call 509-926-6429 and ask to speak to an extension specialist! We are here to make your life easier, beautiful and way more comfortable!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Crowning Glory Studios takes Monique's Salon space

Crowning Glory Studios has recently taken over the Monique's Salon building. We will be part of a dynamic group of businesses to provide Health and Wellness.

Watch for some great changes over the summer!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Healthy Hair Tips

Maintain healthy hair with Eufora’s simple tips

Issue #1 – Sun Damage: “Think about a fabric exposed to the sun: it fades and so will hair color,” said Don Bewley, experienced hairdresser and Eufora Intl. cofounder. The sun’s UVA and UVB rays fades hair color faster on persons with greater outdoor exposure, especially during the summer. Photochemical degradation of hair is the result of light radiation attacking hair proteins, the cell membrane and hair pigments. Essentially, amino acids in the cuticle are damaged creating dry, brittle hair with many fly-aways.

Issue #2 – Ocean Water/Air Exposure: Moisture-depleting sea air and water can really do a number on hair, especially when combined with sunlight. Oxidation occurs when hair is exposed to water, air or sun and even moderate exposure can fade color. To define oxidation, it is anything (i.e. water, air or sun) that adds oxygen to what it contacts. Free radicals are byproducts of oxidation that can interfere with normal cell function and seriously damage cells.

Issue #3 – Chlorine: Chlorine is used to kill bacteria in drinking water and pools, but keep in mind it is also used in bleach to remove pigment in color. Not only does chlorine discolor hair, it damages proteins in the cuticle.

Thankfully with a few adjustments to a hair care routine, summer hair damage can be minimized. Here are a few recommendations:

Recommendation #1: Use Protection

Hair products that provide sun protection from UVA and UVB rays should be used year-round but during the summer it is the most critical. Multiple products offering sun protection can be layered for increased protection including leave-in conditioners, styling and finishing products. Hydration Leave-in Conditioner. Piece Works Defining Paste, Formatte Finishing Creme, Elevate Finishing Spray

Recommendation #2: Detox

Use a quality, nondrying chelating shampoo, often referred to as a clarifying shampoo, at least once per week and more often for avid swimmers. Chelating shampoos will remove mineral buildup and environmental pollutants. They also help prevent green hair. Choose an EDTA and sulfate-free shampoo to ensure hair is not stripped of its health and hair color. Urgent Repair Shampoo, A Detoxifying Treatment

Recommendation #3: Moisturizing Treatments

A moisturizing treatment or mask is crucial in keeping hair nourished and looking great. Choose a protein and nutrient rich product and don’t skimp on the time. Leave it on for at least 15 minutes to ensure proper penetration of the hair shaft. Here’s a tip, apply the treatment and leave it on while lounging by the pool. Urgent Repair Replenishing Treatment

Recommendation #4: Antioxidants

One more important summer survival must: choose products containing effective antioxidants the same way we choose foods rich with antioxidants like Vitamins A, C, E, selenium and zinc. Antioxidants work to neutralize free radicals before damage can be done to hair. Piece Works Defining Paste