Perhaps you have heard rumblings of it. Perhaps this article is your maiden voyage into this world. Regardless, unless you have experienced Cyberhair with a few more of your five senses, your perception may be a bit skewed.
So what, exactly, is Cyberhair? The name itself immediately conjures up images of supertechnology. Of robotic creations. And suggests that it is synthetic, for sure. Well, truth be told, none of these assumptions is too far from accurate. But these assumptions also require some elaboration. Because Cyberhair is more than just another hair-replacement system.
Cyberhair is the product of years of research and development, and even more years of meticulously fine-tuning the super-technology required to create realistic feeling, and looking, hair fibers. This technology, like most manufacturing processes, does involve some robotic labor. So that assumption is right on the money as well. And since Cyberhair does not originate from a human hair follicle, it definitely is, well, synthetically created. But similar to the mainstream “synthetic” it certainly isn’t.
Take all of your preconceived notions of synthetic hair and toss them out back in the alley with the 8-track players and rotary phones. Cyberhair is less a synthetic, and more a creation a technologically advanced hair creation. It’s where science meets art in the happiest of matrimonies, creating a hair-replacement system that looks natural, feels natural, and lasts no matter what tests the elements may bring.
The good news is, there is no need to wait for the future to reap the benefits of this futuristic technology. Cyberhair is available now in the United States after years of testing in Japan and Europe. And it could not have come at a better time.

Cyberhair refuses to be grouped with synthetics, or high-temperature synthetics, simply because these synthetics are inferior products. Plain and simple. Not only do these other synthetics look unnatural, they fade, the curl relaxes, and the hair breaks. Demand in the market drops, due to more elite options, and the already-low quality of the synthetic drops right alongside. Cyberhair will not be considered a synthetic because synthetics have nowhere to go but down. Extinction is inevitable, and for good reason.
But, you may be asking yourself, isn’t human hair better? Isn’t it going to look and feel more natural because, quite frankly, it is more natural? It’s a logical thought. Logical, but wrong.
Cyberhair not only looks and feels remark- ably like human hair; but it also is incredibly heat-resistant, durable, and colorfast–all while remaining lightweight and comfort- able. It experiences virtually no change due to prolonged use–which is good, because a Cyberhair system has twice the life expectancy of a human hair system. Now that’s some prolonged use.
A water-lover, Cyberhair dries perfectly, returning to its original style with just a shake of a wet head. Human hair will return to, well, a now-dry version of a drenched original style. Cyberhair wins hands-down on the maintenance scale. It swims, it saunas, it gets caught in the rain with a flat tire. Zero maintenance. And when exposed to sun or heat, Cyberhair will not fade, will not

The hair-replacement industry is experiencing a shortage of human hair. While that may seem like a cheap pun, it isn’t intended to be. It is a real concern. Due mainly to cultural changes in many of the countries previously supplying hair donations, the quantity, and quality, of these donations just aren’t available. There’s an old saying that goes, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” The human hair market is breaking.
Human hair has had “some work done.” Still skeptical of nonhuman hair? Well, look at it this way. In an age of life-like synthetics, of silicone and collagen, when some- times it’s hard to tell what is real and what is “fake,” it’s about time the hair-replacement industry embraced the possibility of a synthetically created hair that looks, and more importantly, feels like human hair. Cyberhair has raised the bar.
Plus, how “natural” actually is the stripped- down, over-processed, skeleton of that used- to-be human hair? It’s a shadow of its former self. When compared side by side in a blind touch-test, experienced hair professionals actually prefer Cyberhair to human hair.
Don’t knock it until you’ve touched it. Period.
But, seriously, what’s the downside?
There isn’t one.
Mommy, where does Cyberhair come from?
Cyberhair is the result of a new technology engineered by Aderans, the world’s largest manufacturer and retail supplier of hair systems. And without inundating you with technical details, here’s a little walk through the birth of Cyberhair.

Cyberhair begins with small, nylon pellets. Available in any color imaginable, these tiny little pellets are the building blocks of many of Cyberhair’s benefits.
Cyberhair is the most colorfast product on the market because of the makeup of its raw materials. Where as some manufacturers use dyes that may become unstable during the heating process, Cyberhair has taken great care to use only the most stable dyes in their raw nylon. So not only is Cyberhair available in a complex range of colors, it will remain that color from day one until three weeks past forever. No fading. Ever. No other hair replacement system can claim that.
In order for the raw nylon to become hair, things need to get a little hot. The colored nylon pellets are melted. Bring on the heat. And perhaps “heat” is an understatement. Cyberhair is heated to very high temperatures. So, unless you are planning to spend your next vacation on the surface of the sun, your Cyberhair will retain its curl no matter how hot it gets outside. So go ahead and book that two-week trip to the equator. Cyberhair is up for it. Just remember to bring sunscreen–your skin may not be as forgiving.
Next up are crystallization, and then the cuticlization process. This is where Cyberhair jumps leaps and bounds in front of the crowd. Natural human hair reflects a healthy glow. Toss it in the sun, and it reflects light in a unique way. And before now, no other hair replacement system had been able to mimic the lustre of human hair. Now, however, through a specialized process, Cyberhair is able to recreate the surface texture of human hair without compromising the integrity of the fibers! It will look, feel, and blend seamlessly with your own hair. And if that’s not what every- one wants, then what is?
Through this process, Cyberhair is born. Technologically created. A science and an art. A form that snugly follows function. An end product that’s the solution to all prior problems with hair-replacement systems.
To Cyberhair or not to Cyberhair.
That is the question. So who’s it for? Cyberhair is for salons that are always looking for new product and service offerings. You know who you are. Cyberhair is for salons that provide, or are looking to provide, hair-replacement systems from extensions to medical wig systems, and everything in between.
Cyberhair is for salons that keep up with, or at least test-drive, new technology. After trying it, you can make an informed decision for yourself as to whether or not Cyberhair has a place in your salon.
In order to be fully appreciated, Cyberhair needs to be touched. Touch it dry. Touch it wet. Watch how it dries. Now that you’ve read about it, don’t neglect the sensory experience.
Bottom line: the only elite options for hair replacement are your own hair and Cyberhair. And working together, it’s a solution to hair thinning and hair loss that everyone should, at the very least, get to know.